Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Top Gun: Maverick Desires To Once Again Make Audiences Feel The Need For Speed

      Thirty-three years after the release of the first Top Gun which has gone onto become one of the most iconic blockbusters of all time, Tom Cruise returns to the role that put him on the map as a movie star and delivers the long awaited sequel to Top Gun with Top Gun: Maverick. The original film was made for only $15 million and grossed $356 million worldwide despite mixed reviews from critics yet total adoration from fans. The film also took a rising young actor at the time (Cruise) and cemented his status as a movie star. The sequel takes place thirty years after the events of the first film with Cruise's character Pete Maverick​ Mitchell mentoring a new generation of U.S Navy fighter pilots. The trailer for Maverick aims to remind audiences of the nostalgia they felt upon watching the first Top Gun film with key moments such as the money shots of the fighter jet flying to powerful nostalgic moments including Maverick putting on his jacket, his shades, and riding his motorcycle giving the film the 1980's feel the original had. The question that fans of the original have on their minds going into the new film is whether Cruise and Paramount can retain the spirit and 80's style of the original film in order for the sequel to be a success as well as live up to the legacy of the first film. Having seen the new teasar trailer, the answer appears to lean towards an assured yes, the film appears to have much of the elements that made the original so iconic with the familiar guitar soundtrack of the first film making its return here with impressive visuals and action, making the trailer come across as being an adrenaline rush.

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Trailer Description:
      The trailer opens up with a shot of the desert with a fighter jet flying above the ground with its shadow reflecting on the surface. The trailer then shows a pair of hands struggling to hold the controls as thejet moves at a quick speed throughout the desert before being pulled upwards. The next shots are those of fighter jets being raised on a platform to the surface of a carrier. While this is happening the audience hears the voice of Ed Harris character, an unnamed admiral, lecturing Maverick regarding his living on the edge lifestyle citing his 30-year record and pointing out that he should be an admiral by now but instead settles for Captain with a defiant and reckless attitude. When asked why he never moved up, Maverick replies by saying "Its one of life's mysteries sir." With the character of Maverick, audiences see that the character is almost exactly the same as audiences left him with the first except older now and no longer with Kelly McGillis character Charlie. The trailer then packs the nostalgia hard with the audience not just with showing Maverick, but with shots of an engine to a jet powering up with Maverick taking off a carrier with an epic shot inside the cockpit. The music from the original film kicks in with upgraded instruments followed by money shots that reek of 80's nostalgia such as a sun setting over the aircraft base, Maverick putting on his iconic jacket, grabbing his shades, pulling off a sheet to reveal his iconic motorcycle with the next shot showing him flying down a runway with a jet taking off in the distance. Other money shots are those of an endless line of fighter jet planes all lined up, a shirtless beach scene that mirrors the iconic one from the first film, a shot of Jennifer Connolly being hinted as the new love interest for Maverick, a shot of Goose's son played by Miles Teller playing the piano which mirrors Goose from the first movie. The trailer also hints at another major characters death in the film with Maverick saluting over their coffin with the hint being its Gooses son following in his fathers footsteps. The last several shots of the trailer show intense aeriel combat sequences including one which shows Maverick flying upside down followed by a shot of him looking at the ocean from the deck of a carrier. The trailer ends with Maverick being told that aircraft pilots are heading for extinction giving fuel to the rumored subplot involving the pushing of drones into the mix with him responding "Maybe so, sir, but not today."

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General Thoughts
      The teasar trailer for Top Gun: Maverick is good, very good. It does an effective job of getting the audience interested in the sequel through the use of powerful moments of nostalgia such as the moments where the main character dons the jacket, the glasses, and rides the motorcycle. The films aeriel sequences are the trailers big selling points action-wise with Cruise being shown to perform his own stunts of taking off the aircraft carrier. The film also seems to keep the cheesy spirit of the original film with a second shirtless beach scene, the main characters huddled over a piano drinking beers and singing, orange lighting in shots that make the cinematography look not just like the original, but also gives viewers flashback to the occasional Michael Bay movie. What the trailer is missing is the lack of return for Val Kilmer's character Iceman as well as giving audiences a clue as to what his character is up to in this film or if his role is a large or minimal one. The teasar introduces newer characters such as John Hamm, Miles Teller playing Goose's son, and Ed Harris as a no-named superior to Maverick, who claims that Maverick is heading for extinction as he struggles to keep his job with the presence of drones replacing pilots rises. With all the push to make audiences feel the nostalgia of the original, the teasar reveals that the new film carries within the action and fun an emotional core to its story and is about trying to stick around in a field that's becoming more increasingly obsolete. In a way, its a refreshing twist to see that Maverick wasn't promoted to a desk job, but is still the same guy doing what he loves to do and is content with it. Its been a long time coming for a sequel to Top Gun to finally arrive on the big screen but its finally here and judging from the early footage, it appears to have everything that fans have wanted and desired for a sequel to the 1986 box office smash. With reactions to the new trailer, it looks as if audiences have once again feel the need, the need for speed. Top Gun: Maverick arrives in theaters June 26, 2020 and features a cast that includes Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connolly, Ed Harris, Miles Teller, and John Hamm.

Here is a link to watch the trailer:

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Image result for top gun maverick trailer pics

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